
Nuummi innuttaasunngortunut tikilluaqqusineq

Pingasunngorneq septembarip ulluisa 27-anni Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq Nuummi innuttaasunngortunut bussinik angalaartitsissaaq (Peqataanissamut nalunaartoqartariaqarpoq). Busserluni angalaarnermi Nuuk kaajallallugu takornariassavat, aqqutaanilu illoqarfik pillugu paasissutissanik oqaluttuarisaanermullu tunngasunik oqaluttuunneqassaatit.

Kommuneqarfiup eqqaaniit nal. 16.30 aallartissaaq. Bussit kommuneqarfiup allaffianut utissanngillat, angalaarnerli Nuutoqaq – Nuummi Katersugaasivik eqqaani nalunaaqutaq 18.30 naammassissaaq, tassanilu borgmesteri Avaaraq Olsenip naapissavaasi, kingornalu kulturimut tunngassuteqartumik saqqummiisoqarlunilu tamulugassaqalaassaaq

Peqataaniarluni nalunaarneq:

Mailimik nassiussillutit peqataanissannut nalunaarit uunga Inissat killeqarmata siulliit nalunaaqqaartut ilaasinnaassapput.

Welcome event for Nuuk’s new residents.

On Wednesday the 27th of September Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq has arranged a bus tour for new residents in Nuuk (registration is required). The bus tour will take you around Nuuk, where you will receive a lot of useful and historical information about the city during the ride. 

The bus tour departures from the City Hall at 4:30 PM. Please note that the bus won’t return to the city hall; instead, the tour finishes at Nuuk Local museum at 6:30 PM, where Mayor Avaaraq Olsen will welcome you, followed by a cultural performance and some light refreshments.


You can register for the tour by sending an email to: There are limited seats available, registration follows: first-come, first-served basis.